Hello Again

On our way home, I lost the most important thing I bought that trip. It was an art magazine with Marina Ambromović in the cover.

I felt like crying because it  has happened to me many times – losing things when I shouldn’t. Then, this lady approached me asking for my time for a quick survey.

I knew her! – I took part in that same survey the last time I went here!

“I know you! I answered the same questions the last time I went here!”


“Do you remember me??”

“No I’m so sorry. You remember (me)?”

“Yes of course! I sat near the elevator and you gave me a pin after answering the survey.”


“May I please take your photo?

“Oh why, no I’m sorry I’m shy.”

“Please please please. This is such a great surprise, it rarely happens and I don’t want to forget”


Published by Venice De Castro

Venice De Castro is documentarist whose curiosity is observing how personal and societal transformations manifest in everyday life.

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